Loy Machedo’s DETOX & DIET Diary – Post #2 (5th Jan 2022)

Here’s the update Time: 04:05am Date: Wednesday, 5th January 2022 Bodyweight – 82kgs. How am I feeling? Bloated & stuffy because I ate ‘normal’ yesterday. What I ate will be mentioned below. I have a slight fever due to the Pfizer 2nd jab. And yeah, due to this, I thought its best I postpone my […]

Loy Machedo’s DETOX & DIET Diary – Post #1 (4th Jan 2022)

Tuesday, 4th January 2022 So tomorrow is the day I begin my Detox & Diet program. Bodyweight right now 01:03am – 82kgs ***************************** POINT & PURPOSE OF THE DETOX & DIET Lose the unwanted fat & weight gained by eating useless junk, sugar & mindless eating Lose the bad habit of wanting to keep eating […]

Something Is Better Than Nothing

So this is article #4. What do I want to blog about? Nothing actually. I seriously have nothing in mind to be honest. So then why am I even blogging? I think it comes down to wanting to do ‘something’ Like they say SOMETHING is better than NOTHING. So at least I am doing SOMETHING. […]

How We Overestimate Our Greatness & Underestimate Our Shortcomings

Funny. This is just article number 3. I thought I had posted much more. In fact, I was under the mistaken assumption that I jotted down at least 10 articles by now. Sadly I was woken up to reality just now as I logged into my website and realized – Oh wow… Just 2 articles. […]

Be Careful Of The Dark Side (Article No. 2)

  Are you one of those individuals who bottles up most of his emotions, keeps quiet about it and one fine day just explodes? Or are you one of those individuals who expresses your feelings and emotions on a regular basis so that it doesn’t bottle up and one day suddenly explode? Unfortunately for me, […]

Loy Machedo is Back To Blogging in 2021 (Article No. 1)

  What can I say other than ‘welcome back to me, myself & I’, not that I’m sure if that is even grammatically correct. But yeah it feels good to be back to blogging after nearly 4 years? Ah… time… time passes by and before you know it, you are once again OLD. Anyways. So […]