
Be Careful Of The Dark Side (Article No. 2)

3 minutes read


Are you one of those individuals who bottles up most of his emotions, keeps quiet about it and one fine day just explodes? Or are you one of those individuals who expresses your feelings and emotions on a regular basis so that it doesn’t bottle up and one day suddenly explode?

Unfortunately for me, I’m guilty of the former. I’m cool, calm and composed most of the time. And then one fine day – like a volcano, it just explodes.

Not good.
Seriously, not good just for me but for everyone around me.
And it is in these moments you end up doing the things you regret the most.
The words used, the actions executed, the ruthless aggression spewed.
Seriously, not good.

And then once all the dust is settled, when you are left to yourself, all alone – with just you and your conscious, it leaves a very bitter taste in your mouth.
A truly bitter taste.
One that you wish you never tasted the first place.
But there it lingers. For days.

I always like to sound cool and tell people ‘Embrace the Dark Side’ in honour of my favourite Star Wars character Darth Vader. However, in real life, sometimes ‘Embracing the Dark Side’ does have consequences. Very powerful, damaging & even life-ending consequences.

And this is not Hollywood.
It is not a movie.
There are no second takes.

There is a saying, I can’t undo the past but I can focus on the present for a better future.
Only if it were that easy.

But then who said life was easy?

All I will tell you is ‘Be Careful of the Dark Side’ because the impact of that darkness may leave you in darkness forever.

Loy Machedo


Article #2
Date: 2nd November 2021
Time: 03:55

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