
How We Overestimate Our Greatness & Underestimate Our Shortcomings

3 minutes read


This is just article number 3. I thought I had posted much more. In fact, I was under the mistaken assumption that I jotted down at least 10 articles by now. Sadly I was woken up to reality just now as I logged into my website and realized – Oh wow… Just 2 articles.

Just 2.

It’s strange because
1) I assumed I had written down more articles than 2
2) I didn’t check the date of the last article (2nd November 2021) and didn’t even realize 8 days had passed by
3) I assumed I was making progress but I really wasn’t.

In fact, it’s pretty embarrassing to say the least as to how many articles I’ve posted.
For someone like me who was known for posting 100 short answers on Quora, going non-stop for 12 to 14 hours a day writing down his thoughts with nearly 3,000 worded articles, this was a matter of shame.


I think this kind of serves me as a simple reminder to how much we overestimate our own abilities, skills and achievements. However, once we get a bird-eye-view of what we are doing, where we are and where we assumed we are in the grand scheme of things – it is humbling. And at times embarrassing to say the least.

I am just on my 3rd article – 3rd of the 100 articles I expected I was going to push myself to achieve.

Well, like they say better late than never.

So here is me taking yet another small step towards my even smaller goal in the grand scheme of things….

Loy Machedo


Article #3
Date: 10th November 2021
Time: 07:17

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