
Loy Machedo is Back To Blogging in 2021 (Article No. 1)

3 minutes read


What can I say other than ‘welcome back to me, myself & I’, not that I’m sure if that is even grammatically correct. But yeah it feels good to be back to blogging after nearly 4 years? Ah… time… time passes by and before you know it, you are once again OLD. Anyways.

So I thought this would be a good first-time article to exercise those unused blogging muscles and get them awakened. I’m not sure how long would it take me to get back into the groove or how easily I will be able to adapt to the ‘old passion’ of mine. More like me getting back with my ex-lover?

One thing is for sure – plenty of typing mistakes. My typing speed is slower. I have to keep using the keyboard backspace to correct the wrong character. And yes, spend few seconds to close my eyes to imagine what exactly I want to say next.


When you do not use a particular muscle – how it just stops being as good or as sharp as it once was.

Anyways, I am not dead.
I’m not old.
I still have a lot left in me.

This is just the beginning of another phase of my life.
Blogging – welcome back.

This is Article #1

Loy Machedo


Article #1
Date: 31st October 2021
Time: 20:34

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