
Loy Machedo’s DETOX & DIET Diary – Post #1 (4th Jan 2022)

12 minutes read

Tuesday, 4th January 2022

So tomorrow is the day I begin my Detox & Diet program.

Bodyweight right now 01:03am – 82kgs



  1. Lose the unwanted fat & weight gained by eating useless junk, sugar & mindless eating
  2. Lose the bad habit of wanting to keep eating non-stop
  3. Reset my taste of sugary foods
  4. Deprive my body totally of sugar as I’ve been eating too much of it and more & more of it
  5. Lose the capacity to eat more and more as my capacity has increased considerably
  6. Have a sense of discipline which I have kind of lost
  7. Get off the addiction cycle as I’m aware I will face a massive & ugly hangover
  8. Clean my body completely from all these crappy foods. I especially want my insides clean. For this I need to fast.


WHY do I want to do this – ie go through all this pain & inconvenience?

  1. I started to get knee pain & back pain due to the weight gain
  2. I have started to develop a big belly that wasn’t there and I can literally see the fat all-around my waist which wasn’t there. Seriously my tummy is the FATTEST it has ever been since my operation.
  3. The main reason I had gone through the bariatric surgery was to have a healthy lifestyle but somewhere down the line now I’ve become a slave to this habit again
  4. I’ve developed an addiction to chocolates, Red Bull & unwanted chocolates again
  5. I’ve started to eat nonstop every few minutes. I’m always busy snacking
  6. I’ve started to eat more and more. My capacity has dangerously increased to nearly 4 times what it was immediately after the surgery
  7. I keep getting more and more hungry no matter how much I eat
  8. I do not like how my body is shaping out to be. The respect I have for myself as a fit & healthy person is slowly getting eroded.
  9. How can I coach and train anyone if I myself am not disciplined?
  10. My wife & my baby will develop my bad habits which I need to put a stop to. I need to inspire them to develop good habits. Not bad. First I need to practice before I preach to them. By showing an example – they will slowly follow
  11. I don’t want to end up diabetic, with blood pressure, heart-related issues or have my brain cells die out to my poor diet
  12. I want to look good, feel good and stay healthy.


What is my End Goal? Or When would I like to stop this?

  1. I would like to do this for 3 months from now all the way to March 31st 2022. This however, is the minimum number of days. Even if I reach my goal before this date – I will still continue sticking to this goal.
  2. I want to reach a bodyweight of 69kgs which I have NEVER achieved in my life. I would like to reach this bodyweight and see how I look and feel
  3. I want to free myself from the sugar addiction – NO MORE SUGAR in my diets
  4. I want to eat less from henceforth
  5. I want to feel healthy, fresh, smart & intelligent.



  1. I have purchased a weighing scale (Digital) which I will use to measure my weight every day in the morning after getting up. I will not go to the toilet or empty myself. I will get up and immediately check my body weight after waking up. Note the weight. And this weight will be recorded in an excel sheet on google docs
  2. I will keep the key landmarks, not as days or dates rather on every kg lost. This will be used to mark key calendar dates
  3. I will take videos and record my progress in a series of videos into a playlist to record my journey
  4. I will ensure running a bit faster than I normally do. The exercise intensity I will increase slowly but surely.
  5. I will also have some other exercises incorporated to ensure a fun & more fat loss. What I have in mind right now is pushups or abdominal crunches or squats. But this will be done later as I do not want to do too much and then fail.



  1. Soups + cup of soup
  2. Fresh juices with NO addictives
  3. Black Coffee
  4. Carbonated water
  5. ALL Fresh Fruits is permitted
  6. Raw vegetables – uncooked like carrot, cucumber, Cabbage, Greens
  7. I am tempted to say Fish soup but the problem is if I taste fish, then I am actually eating something. And then I may end up eating meat. So the only exception here is the boiled water of any fish. NO other meat soup or boiled water as I don’t want to get the taste of it
  8. I will avoid eating any cooked vegetables otherwise I may end up eating or getting tempted to eat dal or any Indian cooked food like Potato dish with gravy which I wish to avoid.
  9. Also – I will be having Vitamin B, C, D, Minerals just to ensure I do not get deficient in anything.



  1. If in case I feel weak or I feel I want to give up – The worse to the worst-case scenario – I may break my diet/fast. If this happens (which I doubt), I will take a few days break and then evaluate what to do next.
  2. If and when I do wish to give up or quit, I will take a nap, sleep and give myself 48 hours to decide if I really want to give up this journey.
  3. However, the only situation where I will give up without any hesitation is if my health is compromised or in question.



  1. I’m aware that I will lose water weight at first. I may end up losing up to 5kgs in water weight. THAT is NOT fat. It is just water weight.
  2. My ‘normal’ weight at this diet minus water would be in the range of 75kgs. But that is NOT fat loss. And no, that is absolutely NOTHING to be proud off.
  3. The actual weight loss starts only after the body goes into ketosis OR after a period of one month of getting used to this diet
  4. I’m pretty aware of the fact that it will be hard for me to stay without sugary stuff for one month. So I am mentally prepared for a massive painful hangover.
  5. I am concerned & worried if I can sustain and hold on to this for so long. But I need to at least try.



  1. I will write this diary and put my thoughts every day if needed
  2. I will record progress in terms of pictures whenever I do lose a kilo
  3. I will take short videos and save them in a file to use later in one big video


Let’s see how it goes.

Loy Machedo

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