
Something Is Better Than Nothing

2 minutes read

So this is article #4.

What do I want to blog about?

Nothing actually.
I seriously have nothing in mind to be honest.
So then why am I even blogging?
I think it comes down to wanting to do ‘something’
Like they say SOMETHING is better than NOTHING.
So at least I am doing SOMETHING.

I suppose it is a process, practice and playing a purposeful part of doing what you set out to do.

I am not posting these articles for anyone to read or for me to score points with anyone else other than holding myself accountable to a goal I created for myself.

Yes, I have 100 articles I want to type out.
And yes, I am aware of the fact, they can and will be stupid, mindless and pointless articles like these. But I am going to keep at it until I achieve that elusive number of 100 posts on my ‘new’ blogging site.

Like I said before….
SOMETHING is better than NOTHING.

So until then….
Here’s me taking your leave.

Article #4
Date: 18th November 2021
Time: 11:41am

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